German A1 Free Online Self Study Course

Free Learn German A1 Online Course and Pass the German A1 Exam

Welcome to the free and easy Learn German A1 Online Course for Beginners - the Free Study Guide. You can now learn the German language at home and by yourself. The lessons and contents include the German A1 Grammar, and relevant topics and themes for you to pass the German A1 Exam while self-studying.

Do you have any knowledge about the German language? If the answer is no, then this is for you. You can atleast start here if you have no idea where to start. Learning an entirely new language could be very intimidating, so one should start correctly and follow a well-curated curriculum. 

Do you want to start learning the German language, but do not know where to start? This will be a good starting material, as this free German A1 course aims to focus on reading and learning relevant topics to pass the German A1 exam. There are so many materials available online, but in this course, I tried to write the important things first. After reading through evry lesson, you should have some familiarization and basics grounded, before you start with more comprehensive materials or courses should you want to.

Is it ok to read this before starting a German class? Yes! This would be a good material to have before the class, so that you won’t feel totally lost in the class. You will be able to recognize new letters, new words and some grammar rules.

Each topic under every lesson is designed to be bite-sized and direct to the point that even self-studying individuals can follow. Relevant examples will also be given.

Here is a list of contents of the Free German A1 course.  Enjoy and feel free to share to others.

Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 6
Unit 7 : on-going

If you have no time to go through the lessons right now, watch this video to know how to pass the German A1 exam by self studying.


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