German A1 Personal Pronouns | Pronouns part 1

To learn German A1 and pass the German A1 exam, one of the most important things you absolutely must know are pronouns. You have to memorize the pronouns before learning verbs.

We already learned that nouns are name of peoples, things, places and so on. To refer to ourselves, other people or things, we use personal pronouns. Personal pronouns replace one or more people or things, so we do not repeat the noun again once the context is clear about who or what we are talking.

We have seen that some of the examples used previously have personal pronouns. It is of utmost importance that you memorize pronouns early on. Look at the table below and learn the pronouns in German.

The first table above shows us the singular pronouns. Singular means there is only one person.

To refer to more than one person, we use personal pronouns in the plural form. The plural forms are on the second table on the image above.

We can find the word "sie" in both the singular and plural personal pronouns. As discussed previously, we use the capitalised "Sie" with plural verb forms to address someone politely in a formal situation.


Singular: Woher kommt sie? (Where is she from?)

Plural: Woher kommen sie? (Where are they from?)

Formal/Polite: Woher kommen Sie? (Where are you from?)


We are going to list down some simple sentences below. Check if you understand the sentences, and look at the end of this post for the translation. 

1. Ich komme aus Deutschland. 
 2. Er ist mein Vater. 
 3. Sie ist Marias Tante. 
 4. Sie sind meine Eltern. 
 5. Ihr seid zur Party eingeladen. 
 6. Wir gehen in den Supermarkt.



1. I am from Germany. 
2. He is my father. 
3. She is Maria's aunt. 
4. They are my parents. 
5. You (guy/all -plural) are invited to the party. 
6. We are going to the supermarket.

How many sentences did you understand correctly?

In the next lesson, we are going to learn about German articles.

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