We will now learn new phrases about food, eating and drinking. Memorize all the new vocabulary you encounter. Ich habe Hunger.Translation: I have hunger. Meaning: I am hungry.Ich habe Durst. Translation: I have thirst.Meaning: I am thirsty.Ich habe Lust auf Käse.Translation: I have an appetite for...
As we have learned, the endings of German verbs come in different endings. We are now going to learn which endings to use and when, so you don't have to keep on memorizing phrases and start to form them yourself.For regular verbs, the...
We already introduced nouns. When talking about more than one of the same things, we have to use the plural form. SingularPluralder Vater (the father)die Väter (the fathers)die Frau (the woman)die Frauen (the women)das Auto (the car)die Autos (the cars)SingularPluraldie Lehrerin (the female teacher)die...
Part of learning German A1 is knowing all about family. In the German A1 exam, you would almost certainly encounter questions with terms about family.The words below are the most important words to memorize to learn more about friends and family.Vocabulary Set 3die...

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