German A1 | Numbers 1 to 20

In German A1, you definitely need to learn the numbers because in order to pass the German A1 exam, you would need to know how to say the numbers and how to count. You might be asked to tell your phone number in the oral/speaking part of the exam. It is also integral in the reading and listening parts of the exams.

Let us now learn how to count in German. You have to memorize the numbers from one to twenty, because no specific rule will apply yet. However, from twenty one to one hundred, there is a rule you can learn. More on this on the next lessons. Let us know the German numbers now.

0 null

1 eins

2 zwei

3 drei

4 vier

5 fünf 

6 sechs

7 sieben

8 acht

9 neun

10 zehn

11 elf

12 zwölf 

13 dreizehn 

14 vierzehn

15 fünfzehn 

16 sechzehn 

17 siebzehn

18 achtzehn

19 neunzehn 

20 zwanzig 

You will also learn later on that in German, the way to say numbers after twenty is “one and twenty”. This will be the pattern for all two-digit numbers. Again, it is very important that you memorize these early on. More on this on another lesson.

Play the videos below to listen to the pronunciation of the German numbers.

Click here if you want to continue learning counting from 21 onwards.

In the next lesson, we will start learning and memorizing our first German sentences that we would use for sure when we're in Germany. 

To go back to the lessons list, click here.


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