Where are you from? What language do you speak?

In German A1, you have to know how to say where you are from and what languages you speak. This is also part of the German A1 exam speaking/oral part. You can ask it by saying:

Where are you from?

Woher kommen Sie?

Woher kommst du?

You can answer with:

Ich komme…

(I come...)

Then add a preposition (aus/von/aus den/ aus der) and a country. See a list of countries with the correct preposition to use with them.


aus (from)

Deutschland - Germany

China - China

Indien - India

Indonesien - Indonesia

Iran - Iran

Irak - Iraq

Japan - Japan

Österreich- Austria

Polen - Poland

Rumänien - Romania

Südkorea - South Korea

Syrien - Syria

Thailand - Thailand

Ungarn - Hungary

Vietnam - Vietnam

aus dem (from the)

Jemen - Jemen

Sudan - Sudan

aus der (from the)

Schweiz - Switzerland

Türkei - Turkey

Ukraine - Ukraine

aus den (from the)


von den (from the)

Philippinen - Philippines

You can also ask a person where he/she is from by saying:

Kommen Sie...? (formal)
Kommst du...? (informal)

Then you add the preposition+country that we learned above. For example:

Kommen Sie aus den USA?
Kommst du aus den USA?

What do you speak?

Was sprechen Sie?

Was sprichst du?

Ich spreche…

(I speak...)

Arabisch - Arabic

Bulgarisch - Bulgarian

Chinesisch - Chinese

Deutsch - German

Englisch - English

Französisch - French

Griechisch - Greek

Italienisch - Italian

Polnisch - Polish

Rumänisch - Romanian

Spanisch - Spanish

Türkisch - Turkish

In the next lesson, we are going to start learning about verbs.

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