German A1 | Verbs part 2 | Regular Verbs

As we have learned, the endings of German verbs come in different endings. We are now going to learn which endings to use and when, so you don't have to keep on memorizing phrases and start to form them yourself.

For regular verbs, the verb stem stay the same, and we change the endings. This isn't the case for irregular verbs, which we will see on a later lesson.


Ich wohne in Hamburg. 

I live in Hamburg.

Du wohnst in Hamburg.

You (informal) live in Hamburg.

From the examples above, we see that:

Ich takes the ending -e.

Du takes the ending -st.

These endings are added to the verb stem wohn-.


Sie kommt aus Spanien.

She comes from Spain. 

Er kommt aus Deutschland.

He comes from Germany.

Es kommt aus Frankreich. 

It comes from France.

Er (he), sie (she) and es (it) takes the ending -t to be added to the verb stem.


Wir lernen Deutsch. 

We are learning German.

Sie lernen Deutsch. 

They are learning German.

Wir (we) and sie (they) take the infinitive form and do not have a verb end change (the infinitive form stays the same).


Ihr spricht Englisch. 

You all (plural) speak English.

Ihr also takes the ending -t to be added to the verb stem.

In the next lesson, we will be learning new words about the topic family and friends.

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