Learn German A1 | Food and Drinks Part 1

We will now learn new phrases about food, eating and drinking. Memorize all the new vocabulary you encounter. 

Ich habe Hunger.

Translation: I have hunger. 

Meaning: I am hungry.

Ich habe Durst. 

Translation: I have thirst.

Meaning: I am thirsty.

Ich habe Lust auf Käse.

Translation: I have an appetite for cheese.

Meaning: I feel like eating cheese.

Ich habe Lust auf Apfelschorle.

I feel like drinking an apple spritzer.

"Ich habe Lust auf…" is an informal expression that is used when we want to say that we feel like eating or drinking something. To form a question, see the example below.

Hast du Hunger/Durst?

Are you hungry/thirsty?

Hast du Lust auf Pizza?

Do you feel like eating Pizza?

More examples

Ich habe Hunger.

I am hungry.

Hast du Hunger?

Are you (informal) hungry?

Er hat Lust auf Kaffee.

He feels like drinking coffee.

Sie hat Lust auf Torte.

She feels like eating cake.

Haben sie Lust auf Bratwurst?

Do they feel like eating Bratwurst?

Wir haben Hunger. Hast du auch Hunger?

We are hungry. Are you (informal) also hungry?

Ihr hat Durst. Hat er/sie auch Durst?

You (plural) are thirsty. Is he/she also thirsty?

Here is a list of words you need to memorize. We have already seen them from the previous lessons.

  1. das Essen - food

  2. das Getränk - drink

  3. das Lebensmittel - food / groceries 

  4. der Hunger - hunger

  5. das Wasser - water

  6. die Milch - milk

  7. das Brot - bread

  8. das Brötchen - bread roll

  9. das Ei - egg

  10. das Obst - fruit

  11. das Gemüse - vegetable

  12.  das Fleisch - meat

  13.  der Fisch - fish

  14.  der Kaffee - coffee

  15.  der Saft - juice

  16. das Restaurant - restaurant

  17. der Gast - guest

  18. die Speisekarte - menu

  19. die Rechnung - bill

  20. das Glas - glass

  21. der Zucker - sugar

  22. das Salz - salt

  23. die Butter - butter

  24. die Pommes frites - French fries

  25. der Schinken - ham

  26. das Öl - oil

  27. die Kartoffel - potato

  28. der Reis - rice

  29. der Salat - salad

  30. der Tee - tea

The German cases will be the introduced in the next lesson.

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